Deacon Bob Fishman

Dec 10, 20222 min

The Third Sunday in Advent - A Word about the Word

This is the third Sunday in Advent and the excitement is in the air. The readings this week are full of prophecy and fulfillment and miracles. The first reading from Isaiah is absolutely beautiful. It tells us to be strong and fear not. The Lord will come and open the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf, and Zion will be singing. St. James reminds us to be patient and alert for the second coming of our Lord and to treat each other well. The Gospel of St. Matthew ties it all together. Two disciples of John the Baptist ask our Lord if He is the one. He tells them to tell John that while he has been in prison, the blind have been given sight, the deaf hear and the lame walk. Our Lord knew that John would understand that prophecy was being fulfilled. Our Blessed Jesus then tells the crowd listening about what kind of man John was, and that he too was part of prophecy, as he was the one sent to prepare the way for the Lord.

In this time of parties, gifts, relatives, candles and recipes, things can become a little hectic. That is why our Church like a loving mother wants us to prepare our hearts and souls in a new way to welcome the King of kings in a new and wonderful way. Let me ask you this: What are you doing this year to prepare the way of the Lord? Are you asking God to create in you a new heart? How about renewing your spirit and asking God to set you ablaze with fervor for the Gospel? To forgive others the same way you would like to be forgiven? Are you doing anything at all to prepare, or will you be caught unprepared? Something to think about. So take some time and prepare ye the way of the Lord and not be afraid to share what God has done in your own life. You’ll never know whom it may touch. The blind see, the lame walk, and you have been redeemed. Now go and tell someone…May God richly bless you always…
