Deacon Bob Fishman

Oct 1, 20222 min

The Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time: A Word about the Word

Often times I write about how difficult it is to be a Catholic in today’s society. You have to be counter-cultural and also be brave and bold. This week’s readings address these issues. In our first reading from Habakkuk the prophet cries out to God for answers. No doubt he is feeling that God is not listening to his prayers. He wants things done in his time frame. We too are very much like this in our prayers. We often rattle down a list for God to do as if we were ordering food at a drive-thru restaurant. God is not a heavenly Mcdonald's where we place our orders and demand service now. God’s ways are beyond our ways. It is very much like a jigsaw puzzle. In front of us are ragged misshapen pieces and we cannot see how they will ever fit into our lives. However, God has the box. He knows how all things will fit together. It is done according to His time, not ours. In our second reading, St. Paul reminds young Timothy to be courageous and bold in the Faith and trust in the Holy Spirit for guidance. We can take courage and solace from these words. Often times we may feel like we are spiritually “out of gas” or run down. It is at times like this when we need to remember to ask the Holy Spirit to renew our strength. We may need to take some alone time with the almighty and recharge ourselves. Remember that you cannot give the thirsty world a drink if your cup is empty or cracked, and leaking all over the floor! Finally; our Lord Jesus shows us the silliness of our thoughts by using a servant as an example. He shows how we would order the servant around rather than allow the servant to eat at the table. God is not our servant, we serve our God! Therefore, we must trust in Him and have Faith in our lives and in our prayers. Then we can truly say to the mulberry tree, be thou moved to the sea and it will be moved. This week ask God for an increase in Faith and see what happens. May God richly bless you always…
