Deacon Bob Fishman

Apr 12, 20212 min

Third Sunday of Easter - Year B

Have you ever done something that later on you really regretted? I am sure all of us have. This week’s readings are a great comfort for those of us who have goofed up royally and made bad decisions during our lifetime. In the first reading from the exciting book of Acts, Peter is relaying not only that Jesus was the long awaited messiah of the Jews, but that the people to whom he is speaking participated in putting this Righteous One to death. Upon hearing Peter’s words, the people are convicted and want forgiveness for what they did they did in ignorance. Peter tells them to repent and convert that their sins may be wiped away.

St. John follows this train of thought by telling us that Jesus died for us. The sinless one took on our sins and loved us enough pay the price for our disobedience by offering up His own life. The gospel of St. Luke goes even further by stating that Christ rose and His entire life was geared to the forgiveness of our sins and for repentance. Now here is something very cool, the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Did you know that Confession is a Sacrament of healing? We have the privilege and honor of being made right with the one who made us. Maybe you have not gone to this Sacrament in a long time. Perhaps you are embarrassed or ashamed of what you have done. "Even if your sins be as scarlet you can be made whiter than snow". Stop carrying around all of these wounds and go to Jesus.

In this Sacrament, the Priest, acting in the person of Christ and with His authority is ready to forgive and relieve you of these wounds and heal you. Isn’t it about time? Our Lord said that He would suffer and rise so that repentance and the forgiveness of sins would be preached in His name. He died for you to be healed, what more does He have to do? So, this week no more excuses. If you have done things you regret or are separated from God in any way, go to the Sacrament of healing, the Sacrament of mercy and forgiveness, go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and be made right with God. I guarantee you will feel much better! Something to think on.May God richly bless you always!
