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Sixth Sunday of Easter - Word About the Word

This week’s readings are filled with excitement and miracles. As the early Church spreads throughout the world, many miracles and great things are happening. In our first reading from the book of Acts, we see the boldness of the Holy Spirit working through Phillip as many are healed and delivered. St. Peter reminds us to always be ready to give an answer and defend the Faith. Sometimes people feel inadequate in discussing their Faith because they don’t think they have the answers. I tell people to share their own stories. Share what it is you love about being Catholic, what it is you love about the Mass, or the Virgin Mary etc. This will impact more people than quoting Genesis to Revelation. However, we also need to know our Faith and what the Church really teaches. I recommend going to good Catholic websites and listing them as favorites on your computer. Almost all of these sites such as or or and even our own websites for the Cathedral and Diocese. They all have great questions and answers and you will learn from what others have inquired about. Read the Catechism of the Church and check out the index. It will tell you exactly what the Church teaches on many subjects. Lastly, as our Lord Jesus tells us in today’s gospel, ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words and to open your heart and mind as you enter into discussions about the Faith, and don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know, but I’ll look it up for you and get back to you with an answer”. So this week, visit some good Catholic websites and read some of the Q and A’s, crack open the Catechism, and be not afraid to share the Faith with others. May God richly bless you always…

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