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The Catholic Corner - Carroll College

Keeping you informed & updated on Helena Catholic Organizations

Standing proudly across from our own Cathedral church is Carroll College. Established to teach students using Faith and Reason at its core, the college was founded in 1909 by Bishop Carroll and has since served several generations, providing high-quality liberal arts education, grounded in the Catholic Faith.

About Carroll College...

  • Is one of only a few Diocesan Catholic colleges in the United States.

  • Has about 1,100 students enrolled

  • Offers 34 undergraduate majors

  • Has a 54% graduation rate (which is the highest in Montana),

  • Has an 80% retention rate (from freshmen year)

  • Boasts an 11:1 student-to-faculty ratio

  • Provides an average class size of 15

  • Supports 15 athletic teams in the NAIA division

  • Consistently ranked by U.S. News and World Report as the #1 Regional College in the West.

Carroll is best known for its health and science-related majors such as Pre-med, Nursing, Anthrozoology, and Psychology. A unique aspect of Carroll is the intersection and emphasis on faith and reason in its curriculum. Though a student may be a chemistry major, he/she will still take philosophy or theology courses during their time at Carroll, thereby encouraging this dialogue between the disciplines.

The college encourages growth in students' faith life by offering: Theology and Catholic Studies programs; a vibrant campus ministry program led by the Rev. Marc Lenneman; Mass on campus six days a week; adoration opportunities; various campus retreats; service trips locally, nationally, and internationally, FOCUS missionaries on campus, and a bi-yearly pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi.

Carroll strives to live up to the quote offered by St. Pope John Paul the II about the institution," Carroll College is meant to be a beacon to the Church in the Northwest." The students at Carroll college have a heart for service and a goal to leave the world better than it was before. Carroll's motto is "Non-Scholae Sed Vitae," meaning "Not for School but for Life"--this is exactly how Carroll College Saints choose to pursue their degrees, careers, and their faith. If you know someone desiring a profound Catholic education contact Julia Malmo the Assistant Director of Admissions at the Carroll College of Admissions Office at or 406-447-5575

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