Have you ever wanted to share the Gospel with people but you did not know how? Perhaps you have heard the term New Evangelization and wondered how you could evangelize. This week’s readings are full of encouragement as we are invited to become “fishers of men” and “lights shining in darkness”. The trouble is many of us want to do this, we just don’ know how. Let me give you some “little pearls” try that have helped me in my own life:
Fill up your own cup first – Before any of us can give the thirsty world a drink, we must make sure that our cup has something in it. This means we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and get our prayer life in some kind of order. Try going to daily Mass once a week, or spend time in adoration. Try to replace judgment with compassion and be willing to listen first and answer later.
Come to know Jesus – We must learn to love our Lord, but it is hard to love someone you do not know. In my own life I was very good at being a Christian on the outside and putting on good appearances, when all along my prayer life was virtually nonexistent! If this is you, don’t feel bad. Many Saints experienced this as well. Once a famous Saint advised a young novice to read the four gospels 10 times before he read any other passages. This was so the novice would learn about Jesus and how He thought, and spoke, and His teachings. This way the novice would begin to hear His voice clearly in prayer and his own life. This is excellent advice! Give it a try.
Be not afraid – Sometimes we let fear or embarrassment get in the way of us sharing the Gospel. Believe it or not, you will bring more people into the Church by simply being who you are then simply quoting Genesis to Revelation. Jesus created you special. You are unique. There will never, ever, ever, be anyone in the entire universe that is exactly like you. God will use this uniqueness for His glory if you will let Him. Try putting up some religious pictures or statues in your home. That way you don’t even have to say anything as the artwork will speak for you.
Put holy cards and crucifixes around the house and in various rooms. Finally, tell your story to your loved ones and friends. Invite them to come to Mass with you. Share the Faith…Why are you Catholic? What do you love about the Faith? What has God done for you? Share your story and allow the Holy Spirit to take over. Soon your nets will be bursting, the pews will be filled and you will be a fisher of men! May God richly bless you always…