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Third Week in Advent

When I was growing up, one of the first actual stage plays I got to see was the play “Godspell”. It was a modern take on the life of Jesus. It opens with a man coming out dressed in a brown tattered robe and he opens the show by singing “Prepare ye the way of the Lord” he is supposed to be John the Baptist. I tell you this story because in today’s readings we hear the “voice of one crying in the wilderness”. It is our friend John and he is telling us to prepare the way of the Lord. So, how do we prepare? The same way that we straighten up our homes and pick up and clean and get the house ready for company, (especially in-laws), we need to do the same with our hearts, minds and souls. With our hearts we can use this time to bring peace and healing to relationships that may have deteriorated over time. It can be a period of healing old wounds and building anew. We should look at what we say and how we act towards others, and be grateful for all God had done in our own lives. We can work on our minds by preparing for Mass and embracing the joys and wonders of Advent. Read the beginning of the gospel of Luke or get a book about the lives of the Saints and share their stories after dinner. Create something new in your life and start some traditions. Do what you can to deepen your love relationship with God. Finally, what can we do for our souls? Aside from participating at Mass and prayer, maybe it is time for a good cleaning of the soul. It may be time for you to go to the Sacrament of reconciliation and get right with God. In the hustle and bustle of this time of year we can tend to put off confession and before long the time slips bye and we don’t go. Don’t put it off. Go and get cleaned up for the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. If we do these things then we will be prepared for the Lord and we may even be prepared for our in-laws as well…Something to think about…May God richly bless you always…

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