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Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Some years ago I had the opportunity to assist others in counting some of the collection monies from our parish. My job was to sort the cash into piles of various denominations. The largest pile was that of the ones, or single dollar bills. As I began to stack and separate these bills I noticed that many of them were wrinkled or crushed or folded up so small that they resembled some form of Origami from the 70’S. I half expected to find a dollar folded like a swan! As I thought about it I realized that it is often in the little amounts that true giving takes place as these small crushed up dollar bills often represent someone who is giving not out of their surplus which is great, but rather out of their food money or the money set aside for bills. Maybe it was their allowance or money earned from doing chores around the house. Each year the Elementary children of this parish save up all their coins and bring them in to be distributed to the poor in Uganda or Guatemala. In years past we have collected monies for water, roof projects and even stoves to help people out.

Did you know that the Catholic Church does more to help the poor than any other organization on the planet? We have more hospitals, hospices, food shelters, clothing outlets and soup kitchens as well as schools all throughout the world than any other organization. That is very cool! Why do I say all of this? It is because this week’s readings deal with giving. In the Gospel, our blessed Lord Jesus is watching people put money into the treasury and He knows their hearts and who is giving even when it hurts to give. We can give through our time, talent and treasure. I encourage people to go through their closets and donate things that might help some other person perhaps get a job or clothe his family. It is in the little things, a nice belt, a pretty skirt or a good pair of shoes.

While we are on the subject I would like to interject a personal note. I have been part of many churches, and the Cathedral is by far the most caring, compassionate, and generous parish I have ever belonged to, and if no one ever told you this, then let me be the first… I just want to say …Thank You! From the little ones and their piggy bank money for social justice to the more financially well off who choose to remain anonymous yet give and help sustain this wonderful Cathedral. Every dollar helps, even the ones folded up like a swan…Keep on keepin’ on and may God richly bless you this day…

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