Have you ever wondered why God called you? Why did He choose you even before the foundation of the world? This week’s readings help us understand some of our calling.
The great prophet Isaiah tells us that God has called us by name, even when we knew Him not. He then tells us that He is Lord and there is no other.
Often in my own life, I have set up little gods that have gotten in the way of my spiritual growth. Maybe they were the cares of the world, or materialism and a drive to be successful in the eyes of the world. Perhaps it was in false pride and ego and in trying to get people to like me. Many things can stand between us and God if we let them.
St. Paul tells the Thessalonians to work and endure for Jesus Christ and to remember that He chose us and to trust in Him.
Being a Catholic involves giving all of who we are to Jesus. We don’t always like to hear this as we want cushy, comfortable, soft Christianity. We are leery of abandoning ourselves to Christ. Yet this is what He asks of us. He wants us to lay down our sinful nature and ways that will lead to death. Instead He wants us to die to self.
In today’s Gospel our Lord tells the Pharisees plainly as they try to trick Him, to “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is Gods." This is a message for all of us as well. We need to give ourselves completely to God. To abandon all we are, all we do, and all of our dreams and hopes and dare to let our Lord create them anew as we lay down our old selves and foolish ways, and totally trust in Him. So this week, take some time and ask God to show you any areas in your own life where your fist may still be clenched around whatever it is that you have not given over to Him. Lay it down at the foot of the Cross and be not afraid to “Give to God what is God’s." Something to think about. May God richly bless you always!