(Prison Ministry in Montana)
Read the story of how Discovery began in Montana [The Catholic Corner] and the ministries they provide to those in prison. Fulfilling a corporal work of mercy, Discovery:
Ministers to 50 – 70 male inmates every month.
Has conducted 122 Cursillo/Discovery Weekends (90 at MSP and 22 at CCC)
Conducts monthly ministry at Montana State Prison, Crossroads Correctional Center in Shelby, and Riverside Special Needs Unit in Boulder.
Conducts weekly Catholic Bible study at Crossroads Correctional Center in Shelby
Has conducted Discovery Weekends at Yellowstone Correctional Facility in Billings and Glendive Regional Prison in Glendive.
Members of our team provide communion services and/or weekly ministry to inmates in Great Falls and Billings regional facilities.
Our team is made up of 37 men and 4 women, 36 Catholic and 5 Protestants. Our inmate groups are typically 20% Catholic 80% Protestants.
If you feel called to visit Christ in the prisoner, contact
Moe Wosepka at (406) 461-8106