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The Twenty-Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time- A Word about the Word

Updated: Sep 26, 2022

This week’s readings have to do with love and forgiveness, being lost and then being found. In our first reading from Exodus, we see that the people have turned against Moses and against God, and are now worshipping a golden calf. This, after all of the miracles and the exodus and the freedom from slavery had occurred. After seeing the magnificence of God in action, the people returned to their old ways and began longing for Egypt and worshipping idols. How many times has this happened in our own lives? When things got tough and our walk with God has become a little dry or distant we begin to long for our old sinful ways of life, and sometimes we begin to wander off and we do not remember all the great things God has done for us. Our necks become stiff, our hearts become hard and we begin to turn away from God. St. Paul writing to Timothy gives him some answers to help him along the way. These also apply to us as well. He tells him to abound in the graces of our Lord. To thank Him often and to remember where we came from and that it is all God’s mercy and love that will sustain us in difficult times. Finally, the gospel passage from Luke sums it all up so beautifully. Here our blessed Lord Jesus gives us three stories about being lost, and then being found. First there is the shepherd with the sheep, and then there is the woman and her coin, and finally the prodigal son. When you look at these all together, you see an over whelming abundance of love and mercy and thankfulness on the part of the one lost. Jesus tells us these parables and stories so that we will search our own hearts and return to God. All of us wander into sinfulness at times. Sometimes we feel that we can never get right with God. This is a lie from the enemy! Do not believe it! God wants you to return to Him. That is what the Sacrament of Reconciliation is all about! You reconcile or are made right with God. In the Prodigal Son story, do you remember the father’s reaction when he sees his wayward son coming home? He ran to him and embraced him and kissed him. That is what God does to you when you go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. You were lost and now you are found…the creator of the universe embraces you in love and you are forgiven and made whole. Confession is good for the soul. So this week let’s get right with God and go to Confession. Isn’t it time for the Prodigal to come home…Something to think about…May God richly bless you always…

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