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Deacon Bob Fishman

3rd Sunday of Advent - Year C

This week’s readings are a literal treasure trove of riches. In our first reading from Zephaniah the prophet is telling us to “shout for joy and to fear not”. These are great phrases especially for this time of year. The passage recounts that God Himself would be in our midst. How cool is that?

Sometimes people suffer from the “holiday blues”. This can really affect a person during this time of year. It can be easy to be depressed or discouraged because of the lack of sunshine or being alone or far away from loved ones. It is then that we need to reflect on the birth of our Lord. That for a moment in time eternity entered humanity. The imageless God took on an image and dwelt in our midst. This is good news, and what’s more is He did it for us, to take away our sins and lead us to eternal life. St. Paul writing to the Philippians picks up on this and tells us to “rejoice”! He says to “have no anxiety at all”. This can be easier said than done as we all try to plan and coordinate our Christmas festivities, much anxiety can arise. This too we must set aside and do what the scriptures say. Rejoice, don’t be anxious or fearful. Instead try smiling. Do you know that when you smile you release over 70 different muscles in your face? Plus it often makes others smile as well, and then the day is much more pleasant for all. In the Gospel, John the Baptist is telling people to live as they ought. What I mean by that is to do the right thing. Do not cheat people or steal from them or hurt them physically or with words. Instead, do what you ought to do. That is a great line to live by. So this week amidst the hustle and bustle, let us take some time to shout for joy, to not let anxiety rule our days, and to remember to smile often as we think of all that Jesus has done for us. This will be sharing the “good news” of Jesus Christ in brand new ways… Something to think about…May God richly bless you all…

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